Optimism and Planning Prevail
Real estate executive Barry Shore was vacationing abroad when he began to experience severe flu-like symptoms.
Five days after returning home to Venice, Calif., Barry, 55, began to feel extremely weak and could barely hold a book in his hand. Within hours he had lost all movement in his body. Barry was diagnosed with Guillain-Barr‘ syndrome, a nervous system disorder that strikes suddenly and ruthlessly, though many patients make a full recovery within months.
In Barry‘s case, it has been nearly a year and he‘s still unable to walk or work. However, Barry hasn't allowed his physical struggles to affect his exuberant personality and contagious optimism, and steadfastly believes a complete recovery lies ahead. A rigorous rehabilitation regimen already has helped him regain movement in his arms.
Throughout the ordeal, one thing Barry and his wife, Naomi, haven‘t worried about is money. With the help of their insurance broker, Karen Shoff, MSW, MSG, LUTCF, they had put in place a smart insurance plan.
Disability insurance payments now replace more than half of Barry‘s previous income. His long-term care insurance provides more than enough to pay for 12 hours a day of in-home care as well as physical, occupational and water therapy not covered by his medical insurance. And a provision Shoff added to Barry‘s life insurance policy waived his premium payments once he became disabled, saving him thousands of dollars.
Barry appreciates all that the insurance has done for him, and is especially grateful for how it has made life easier for Naomi.
Shoff marvels at her client‘s determination, and is happy to have played a role in his recovery. ‘Barry has choices because he has money,‘ says Shoff. ‘The ability to have real dignity is astonishing when you have insurance.‘
