There‘s a growing crisis in America of people not having enough life insurance coverage to provide for their loved ones in the event of their premature death. Today, 68 million adult Americans have no life insurance and those with insurance have far less than they need ‘ only four times their annual income in coverage. When the worst happens and someone isn‘t prepared financially, the consequences are usually dire. Those left behind are often forced to work additional jobs or longer hours, borrow money from friends and family, spend down retirement or college savings, and move to less expensive housing. It doesn‘t need to be that way.
To get consumers to take stock of their life insurance needs, the industry comes together each September to sponsor Life Insurance Awareness Month. This industry-wide effort is supported by more than 100 of the nation‘s leading life insurance companies and trade associations. Together, industry organizations will spend tens of millions of dollars in September in an effort to get people to think about their life insurance needs.
But that alone isn‘t enough. People need help assessing their needs and understanding their options. Insurance companies can make important contributions to Life Insurance Awareness Month. In addition to helping to raise awareness among the general public, companies can use September as an opportunity to remind their policyholders of the need to reevaluate their coverage periodically. Another way companies can reach the public is by providing agents who sell their products with additional resources, support and incentives in September.