Each year the life insurance industry comes together to address the growing crisis in underinsurance in America by supporting Life Insurance Awareness Month (LIAM). The goal of this national public awareness campaign is to encourage the 68 million adult Americans who lack insurance and the millions more without enough to take stock of their life insurance needs and safeguard their families financial futures.
The campaign is coordinated each September by the nonprofit Life and Health Insurance Foundation for Education (LIFE). This year, more than 100 leading insurance companies and industry groups have pledged their support to the campaign. Throughout the month, LIFE will be coordinating a number of initiatives to get people thinking about life insurance, including events, new research, new consumer tools and appearances for this year's national spokesperson who will be announced shortly.
If you are a member of the media who is interested in writing about life insurance, we invite you to review the following fact sheets which offer tips and information on various life insurance topics:
In addition, please feel free to access LIFE's online press room, which will be continually updated throughout the month to include the latest news and information about the campaign. If you would like to speak with one of LIFE's experts or would like more information about LIAM or LIFE, please contact a member of our media relations team.