
- To locate an insurance professional, seek recommendations from friends and professionals such as lawyers and accountants. Ask about this person's experience and background, and make sure he or she specializes in the advice and products you need. Once you have decided on an individual, be sure to provide that person with all relevant financial information.
- While you shouldn't put off an important decision that would provide protection for your family, take the time to make sure you fully understand any policy you are considering. You should be comfortable with the company, agent and product before purchasing anything.
- Be sure the insurance agent gives you choices and options before you make a final decision.
- Review the copy of your application contained in your policy. Promptly notify your insurance agent or company of any errors or missing information.
- After you have purchased an insurance policy, keep in mind that you may have a "free-look" period, usually 10 to 30 days after you receive the policy, during which you can change your mind. Read your policy carefully during this time. If you decide not to keep it, the company will cancel the policy and provide an appropriate refund.
- Review your policy periodically or when changes occur such as purchasing a home or having children. An insurance agent can help you make sure your coverage is always aligned with your needs.
- When you replace one policy with another you incur new costs and fees. That's why, generally speaking, it's in your best interest to keep a policy you already have and add on to your insurance protection, instead of replacing an existing policy. If you do decide to cancel a policy, contact the original an agent or company first to make sure you fully understand the financial ramifications.
- If you have a concern or complaint, start with your insurance agent who can often troubleshoot problems for you. If you're still dissatisfied, most state insurance departments have a consumer affairs division that handles complaints or you can contact your insurance company's customer service division.
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