Once you've determined that you have a need for disability income insurance, you then need to decide where to buy it. And this is not a decision you want to take lightly. After all, purchasing the right amount and kind of disability income insurance might end up being the most important financial decision you'll ever make.
So what are your options? Because so many variables are involved in figuring out how much and what kind of disability income insurance to buy, it shouldn't come as a big surprise that most people prefer to buy disability income insurance through an insurance agent or other financial advisor. A good agent will take the time to carefully assess your financial situation and long-range objectives, and then work with you to find the right products for your specific needs.
If you decide to go the insurance agent route, we encourage you to read Work with an agent information that you'll find in this section. It'll provide you with useful tips for building a productive relationship with your insurance advisor. If you don't have an insurance agent, our Find an agent section provides advice on how to pick the right agent and even contains an agent locator feature to help you identify qualified agents in your community.
This section also contains information to help you pick the right insurance company or to check up on a company that someone has recommended to you. Buying disability income insurance through an agent is the most common way to purchase, but by no means the only way. Buying through the workplace or direct via a toll-free number or the Internet are other options you may want to consider. Explore the Three ways to buy part of this section for more information about your purchasing options.